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Bi directional energy storage inverter BNSX-KS series

Energy saving: the efficiency can reach 95%

Wide voltage input range, suitable for various types of batteries

Multiple fault protection mechanism and real-time monitoring ensure safe, reliable and stable operation

The virtual synchronous operation technology is adopted, and the response is at the millisecond level

Support multiple operation modes through intelligent control start stop technology

  • Product description
  • Technical
  • Application

Product overview:

BNSX series bi-directional energy storage inverter is a product specially developed by our company for the power industry.

With the energy storage battery system, this product can be connected to the grid or operated independently off the grid 

with load. It has a high proportion of load carrying capacity, can adapt to harsh environments, and has high reliability.

It is widely used in smart cities, industrial parks, community business districts, commercial office buildings and other large 

industrial and commercial energy consuming units.

Product features:

(1) High efficiency and energy saving: the highest efficiency can reach 95%, and the wide voltage input range can adapt to 

various types of batteries;

(2) Safe and reliable: multiple fault protection mechanism, real-time monitoring, ensuring safe, reliable and stable operation,

supporting high and low voltage crossing, rapid power regulation, dynamic power compensation, and strong adaptability of 

the power grid;

(3) Super load carrying: the virtual synchronous operation technology is adopted, and the response is millisecond level. It can 

quickly withstand the sudden load and equipment startup impact, and can start the inductive motor load with a single power 

of more than 60% of the equipment capacity. The maximum short-term impact resistance is more than 3 times of the rated

energy storage power, ranking first in the industry;

(4) Smart and friendly: through intelligent control start and stop technology, it supports multiple operation modes, parallel and 

off grid operation, new energy access, and grid connection of generator sets. In energy storage cooperation, the number of opera-

ting units can be adjusted according to the load.

Product picture:


Technical parameters: