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On board special inverter BNVS series

Vehicle mounted application, reliable performance and long service life

Wide voltage range input, can access different battery types

Used for emergency power supply of communication machine room, bank, post, etc

Multiple equipment can be used in parallel to meet different occasions

High frequency accuracy and low distortion of output AC voltage, higher than the national standard

  • Product description
  • Technical
  • Application

Purpose and function: 

The inverter is installed on the new energy vehicle for emergency power supply of communication machine room, bank, post, 

etc. The inverter is installed on the new energy vehicle with increased program, which will become a special vehicle after modification. 

The new energy vehicle will provide DC voltage to the inverter. The inverter will complete DC/AC conversion and output 400Vac/50Hz 

three-phase four wire power supply. The load type of the inverter is: air conditioning, lighting, communication power supply (switching 

power supply), machine room UPS, machine room HVAC equipment, automatic parcel sorting system, etc.

Product features:

Wide voltage range input, can access different battery types.

High frequency accuracy and low distortion of output AC voltage, higher than the national standard.

Vehicle mounted application, reliable performance and long service life.

Multiple equipment can be used in parallel to meet different occasions.

On board special inverter BNVS series

Product picture:

On board special inverter BNVS series

