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Active series compensated voltage stabilized power supply AVR series

Fast and high-precision regulated output

No mechanical contact, stepless continuous adjustable

Meet the needs of any harsh use environment

Adopt the current new AC voltage stabilizing circuit topology

Can be customized and specially designed and manufactured according to customer needs

  • Product description
  • Technical
  • Application

Product overview:

AVR series active series compensated AC voltage stabilizing power supply adopts the current new AC 

voltage stabilizing circuit topology, with no mechanical contact, stepless continuous adjustment, fast 

and high precision.

The characteristics of the stabilized voltage output. It is an ideal replacement for the upgrading of 

mechanical regulated power supply and silicon controlled stepwise regulated regulated power supply 

which are widely used at present. According to the customer.

Demand personalized special design and manufacturing. The overall protection level of outdoor fully 

sealed anti-corrosion active series compensated regulated power supply device reaches IP65, meeting 

any harsh use.

It is required by the environment and has passed the certification.

Fast and high-precision regulated output.

No mechanical contact, stepless continuous adjustable.

Meet the needs of any harsh use environment.

Adopt the current new AC voltage stabilizing circuit topology.

Can be customized and specially designed and manufactured according to customer needs.

Product picture:

  Active series compensated voltage stabilizing power supply AVR series

Technical parameters:

