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Feedback AC electronic load ACEL series

There are many types of simulated loads: the characteristics of resistive and inductive loads can be simulated.

Electric energy can be fed back: return the consumed energy to the power grid, save the cost of electricity, and the feedback rate is more than 80%.

Good human-computer interaction: 7-inch touch screen is used to display power, voltage, current, frequency, etc.

Strong anti-interference: optical fiber drive control is adopted, with strong anti-interference ability and reliability.

High level of protection: the cabinet surface is treated by electrostatic spraying, and the PCB is treated by spraying three proofing paint and glue pouring.

  • Product description
  • Technical
  • Application

Product Overview:

Since the production and maintenance of high-power power supply, AC charging pile, generator set 

and various electric power products all require the discharge of large current, which usually consumes

 a large amount of energy due to the use of resistance load, and it is difficult to ensure the production 

cost and accuracy. Therefore, the feedback AC electronic load independently developed and produced 

by our company is converted into AC by using DC to feed back to the grid, thus saving energy.

Product features:

(1) There are many types of simulated loads: the characteristics of resistive and inductive loads can be 


(2) Electric energy can be fed back: return the consumed energy to the power grid, save the cost of 

electricity, and the feedback rate is more than 80%.

(3) Self setting parameters: the user can set and adjust the discharge power, set the discharge time, 

set thetiming time to automatically turn off the load according to the performance parameters and 

detection requirements.

(4) Multiple loads can be connected in parallel: multiple loads can be discharged in parallel to adapt to 

the situation of large current discharge.

(5) Good human-computer interaction: 7-inch touch screen is used to display power, voltage, current, 

frequency, etc.

(6) Strong anti-interference: optical fiber drive control is adopted, with strong anti-interference ability 

and reliability.

(7) High level of protection: the cabinet surface is treated by electrostatic spraying, and the PCB is 

treated by spraying three proofing paint and glue pouring.

Product picture:

Feedback AC electronic load ACEL series

Technical parameters:

Feedback AC electronic load ACEL series

Product application:

Power communication and Netcom mobile, generator, UPS maintenance, electrical switch test aging test, transformer test, charging pile load capacity.

