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Fan grid connected inverter BNWG series

Perfect protection function and high system reliability.

MPPT algorithm control is adopted to track the output power of the fan in real time.

It has disturbance detection technology to realize anti islanding control.

Output pure sine wave, automatic synchronous tracking with the power grid, low harmonic content.

With RS482, RS232 and other communications, it can be monitored by upper computer.

  • Product description
  • Technical
  • Application

Product overview:

BNWG series wind turbine grid inverter is the core component of the wind turbine grid connected power 

generation system. It is controlled by a 32-bit dedicated digital DSP chip of American TI Company, assembled

with the most advanced German Infineon IGBT module, and adopts current controlled PWM active inverter 

technology, which greatly improves the reliability of the power supply, has complete power protection functions, 

high power factor on the grid side, low output harmonics, and realizes pollution-free grid connected power supply.

2. Product features

① Perfect protection function and high system reliability.

② MPPT algorithm control is adopted to track the maximum output power of the fan in real time.

③ It has disturbance detection technology to realize anti islanding control.

④ Output pure sine wave, automatic synchronous tracking with the power grid, low harmonic content, no pollution 

and impact to the power grid.

⑤ With RS482, RS232 and other communications, it can be monitored by the upper computer to achieve remote 

data acquisition and monitoring.

Product picture:

Fan grid connected inverter BNWG series

Technical parameters:

